
sol edad eterna
estoesunhammam es un estreno fantasma. una catarata sonora que chorrea restos, pedazos recolectados del proceso creativo del proyecto. un híbrido antesala del estreno presencial de HAMMAM. hemos escuchado el sonido de un géiser. podría ser heavy metal. metales pesados. un chorro de aguas calientes que coccionan la piel y se convierten en sudor. y el vapor se lleva el calor. y el sonido humedece el ambiente. y el vapor penetra las cócleas y se convierte en electricidad. aguas timpánicas. ventana oval. vapor eléctrico. y la electricidad se hace sonido. y el sonido se hace líquido. y el líquido se hace vapor. y el vapor se hace escucha.
eternal loneliness (eternal age sun)
estoesunhammam is a ghost premiere. a sound waterfall that drips remains, pieces collected from the creative process of the project. a hybrid prelude to the face-to-face premiere of HAMMAM. we have heard the sound of a geyser. it could be heavy metal. heavy metals. a jet of hot waters that cook the skin and turn into sweat. and vapor carries away the heat. and sound moistens the atmosphere. and vapor penetrates the cochleae and turns into electricity. tympanic waters. oval window. electric steam. and electricity becomes sound. and sound becomes liquid. and liquid becomes vapor. and vapor becomes listening.
estoesunhammam is a ghost premiere. a sound waterfall that drips remains, pieces collected from the creative process of the project. a hybrid prelude to the face-to-face premiere of HAMMAM. we have heard the sound of a geyser. it could be heavy metal. heavy metals. a jet of hot waters that cook the skin and turn into sweat. and vapor carries away the heat. and sound moistens the atmosphere. and vapor penetrates the cochleae and turns into electricity. tympanic waters. oval window. electric steam. and electricity becomes sound. and sound becomes liquid. and liquid becomes vapor. and vapor becomes listening.